The R.W.M. Bro Kenneth Neil Munro would like to thank all those who participated in our annual golf tournament, particularly those from outwith the province.
Thanks for coming along and making it such an enjoyable and memorable day.
Sincere thanks to Kenny for organising the day and to Iain and Cruicky for their assistance
£150.00 was raised and presented to A.R.M.S. thanks for your generosity
Kenneth Neil Munro R.W.M.
Winner of the Angus Ferguson Memorial Trophy 2008

Gordon campbell 985
Winner of the Angus Ferguson Visitor's Trophy 2008

Jim Mc Leish 180
Winner of the Team Event 2008

Oban Commercial lodge 180 Prize received by Capt Henry Black
Winner of the Longest Drive 2008

Willie Turbo Buchanan 985
Winner of Nearest The Pin 2008

Graham Whitelaw 180
Winner of the Nearest Chip 2008

Stephen M. Ross 985
Winner of the Oban Commercial lodge 180 Trophy 2008

Don Mc Keller 180
Some more photos

Please leave comments for any of these photo's on the contact page cheers an dinnae be shy contact
Turbo and his magic carpet

Comment from Iraq seeing turbo sitting in the chair remind's me of his uncle Malcolm
comment from the sunday post jings tae hang an help ma bob he's no that good lookin
© 2010 Lodge St. Modan 985