The photos on this page were kindly donated by Bro Alexander Mac Donalds Granddaughters Mrs Marion Lambourne (nee Mac Donald)
Mrs Janet Sossick (nee Mac Donald)
The Minister is P.M. Alexander Mac Donald
The man with coat is P.M. Donald Campbell
Mrs Janet Sossick (nee Mac Donald)
The Minister is P.M. Alexander Mac Donald
The man with coat is P.M. Donald Campbell

Pre 1941 front left Bro Alexander (Sandy) Mac Donald
The Cottage Taynuilt, who joined Lodge St. Modan No985
30th April 1919 aged 36 Occupation Clothier
He was the Lodge Treasurer from 1919 to 1943
The R.W.M. is Dr Bertam 1941
The Cottage Taynuilt, who joined Lodge St. Modan No985
30th April 1919 aged 36 Occupation Clothier
He was the Lodge Treasurer from 1919 to 1943
The R.W.M. is Dr Bertam 1941
Taynuilt Curling

Taynuilt Games Committee

Taynuilt Rovers F.C. 1926/7

© 2013 Lodge St. Modan 985